
Electronics department is an ongoing department both in education and research programs. This department is divided into two main sub-groups; circuit and systems on one hand and device modeling and fabrication on the other hand. The research fields in this department cover various topics including:


  • Low power integrated circuits,
  • High speed nano-systems,
  • Integrated circuit design,
  • Device design and simulation,
  • RF circuits and systems,
  • Silicon intelligence,
  • Advanced circuits for data communications,
  • Bio-integrated systems,
  • Low power high performance nano-system,
  • Solar cell and thin films
  • Nano-electronic device fabrication,
  • Bio-electronic devices,
  • MEMS design and fabrication,
  • Nano-fabricated energy and bio devices,
  • Photonic crystals and communication devices
  • Quantum Transport

Head of the Department

Omid Shoaei

Omid Shoaei

phone number: 02182089762
email: oshoaei@ut.ac.ir
